high school ministry

Explore Maturing Faith

Weekly Leadership and Fellowship

High school students are invited to our weekly fellowship & fun event of FLY Youth Group. High schoolers can also practice leadership skills by being Sunday School teachers, part of our music & worship team, and by serving on our boards and church council. 

Conferences and Retreats

We invite high school students to explore faith and life in our twice a year retreats for confirmation and high school students, held at college campuses or camp ministries. This fall, we are visiting Gustavus Adolphus College on Oct 5-6.

Youth Lead Conference is a day-long leadership training program held on Nov 2 in Bloomington, MN for all youth who are interested in leadership. 

Trips and Events

This summer, we are taking a Service Learning Trip to Chicago to practice our faith through serving our neighbors. 

Every three years, thousands of high school youth and their adult leaders from across the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America gather for a week of faith formation known as the ELCA Youth Gathering. Through days spent in interactive learning, worship, Bible study, service and fellowship, young people grow in faith and are challenged and inspired to live their faith in their daily lives.

 July 2027: ELCA Youth Gathering & Young Adult Gathering in Minneapolis


Rachel James

Director of Children, Youth, & Family Ministries

living connected with God and our Neighbor



FLY Youth Group

We want to walk with our young people in their faith development journey.
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Bible Camp

Each summer children and youth go to Camp Wapo, a beautiful outdoor overnight Lutheran camp where they discover God and grow in faith in the great outdoors.
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Youth Small Groups

God loves to meet teens right where they're at, and our team of youth mentors are excited to walk with students through these challenges.
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